Arkansas Victims of Fracking Will Be Heard

We are producing Dear President Obama: Americans Against Fracking in One Voice to tell the untold stories of fracking’s victims. And as we’ve crossed the country, we’ve realized our unfortunate suspicion: There are far too many victims.

Our latest preview focuses on average Arkansas citizens who have transformed into above-average activists fighting for the countless others who have seen negative health effects, property damage and declining property values linked to fracking operations:

Do a Google search for “arkansas fracking earthquake” and you’ll find thousands of results. And it’s not just Arkansas. Nearly every state where fracking is widespread has seen study after study link hydraulic fracturing to earthquakes, not to mention myriad other health threats. There are literally hundreds of studies outlining the various serious threats fracking poses to human health, land value, native animal species, and basically everything we love and hold dear.

These Arkansas citizens are not going to go down in history as victims of fracking. They will be remembered as driving forces behind a national ban on fracking. They will not stop until the agencies that were created to protect the interests of American citizens start doing their jobs, instead of only protecting corporate interests.